Wrecked House
I stood beside a wrecked house
Close to the road
And, stepping high and cautiously
For fear of six-foot rattlers
I made my way through the (remains) ruin
Of the garden
Past assorted (the) auto parts
(the) Stoved-in chicken coops
A tin bath with a hole in the bottom
The wringer
The bed-stead
The frigidaire with the missing door
A gabled two-story cottage
A collapsed veranda
That in it’s day must have been as suburban
As any farmhouse on the prairie
I was met by a panic scurry of wings
Swallows had built their nest
At picture height
On the parlor walls
Wrecked house close to the road
Wrecked house close to the road
Words from the book "Bad Land" by Jonathan Raban used with kind permission of the author.